After 10 years of marriage, I’m still enjoying living in the first home I moved into with my husband. Buying a first home can be one of the most exciting events in a person’s life. Before making this important expenditure, people need to first sit down and determine how they will successfully finance it. After all, a home will likely be the most expensive purchase you make in your life. Talk to a loan officer and determine how much money you can reasonably borrow. Then, decide how much money you want to use as a down payment. You also must decide how many years you will finance your home for. On this blog, you will learn about the process of buying a first home with a loan.
28 June 2017
If you're trying to buy a home, you have multiple options. You don't just have to go with a conventional loan: you can also go through a hard money lender. Hard money lenders loan their money based on factors other than finances and credit scores, so they can be an excellent alternative. Read on to learn more about hard money loans. 1. You usually don't have any credit requirements to meet.