After 10 years of marriage, I’m still enjoying living in the first home I moved into with my husband. Buying a first home can be one of the most exciting events in a person’s life. Before making this important expenditure, people need to first sit down and determine how they will successfully finance it. After all, a home will likely be the most expensive purchase you make in your life. Talk to a loan officer and determine how much money you can reasonably borrow. Then, decide how much money you want to use as a down payment. You also must decide how many years you will finance your home for. On this blog, you will learn about the process of buying a first home with a loan.
16 May 2016
Hard money lenders are private lenders who have a wad of cash that they want to lend out and charge interest on to make a profit. If you are interested in becoming a hard money lender, you will have to decide if you are investing in businesses or if you just want to stick to the private lending side of things. If you choose to stick to private lending only, then here are a few tips to get you started and help you continue to make money on the loans you lend.
27 April 2016
When you are thinking about buying your first home, you may be wondering what you can and should do to get a mortgage and to get the best rates for a mortgage in your area. Because you have never had or applied for a mortgage before, this is an unfamiliar and confusing situation. However, there are steps to take to ensure you get the best deal and find yourself a house that is perfect for you.
16 March 2016
If your wish is to make your bills lower and save more money, this means that you need to decrease the amount of money that you spend on fixed bills. Decreasing fixed bill amounts will make sure that you keep more of your salary, even if you have to spend a little more on food, gas, or other extras some months. One of the largest payments that most people deal with on a monthly basis is the amount of money that they pay for a mortgage.
1 February 2016
Even if you're the best pet parent around, sometimes medical emergencies happen. Whether your furry family member has suffered an injury or is struggling with a disease, you might find that you're in a position where you need the money to pay for medical treatment right away. While hospitals and doctor's offices for people often send bills after the fact, many veterinarians require payment up front or immediately following the procedure in question.
16 December 2015
For those who rent their homes, paying a landlord every month can begin to feel like wasting money that could be used on owning their own home. If you have dreamed of being a homeowner, but have financial issues that make you wary of applying for a mortgage, you should know about a government sponsored loan program for people just like you. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has been providing a means of home ownership for many people who would otherwise not qualify for a conventional loan for many years.