After 10 years of marriage, I’m still enjoying living in the first home I moved into with my husband. Buying a first home can be one of the most exciting events in a person’s life. Before making this important expenditure, people need to first sit down and determine how they will successfully finance it. After all, a home will likely be the most expensive purchase you make in your life. Talk to a loan officer and determine how much money you can reasonably borrow. Then, decide how much money you want to use as a down payment. You also must decide how many years you will finance your home for. On this blog, you will learn about the process of buying a first home with a loan.
10 November 2015
If you own a trucking company and want to grow your business, but your clients are slow paying their bills, you may think that without savings, the only way to have the money for new equipment or offices is by taking out a traditional bank loan. There are, however, other ways of getting the cash you need without going through all the red tape and time-consuming bureaucracy of asking a bank.
12 October 2015
If you are looking for ways to diversify your investment portfolio, purchasing precious metals could be a great solution. Unlike paper money (which only has value because the government has assigned value to it), precious metals have intrinsic value that can help them remain valuable during times of economic turmoil. If you have been considering precious metals as an investment strategy, here are three reasons why buying silver makes sense. 1. There are many industrial applications for silver.
14 August 2015
At the end of 2014 statistics show that 8,954,518 people were collecting disability checks. If you are a disabled worker, then you might be having difficulty obtaining a mortgage. When you want to become a home owner but your disabled status makes it difficult to find an affordable mortgage, there are some resources you can turn to for help. Here are three agencies to contact for assistant when trying to secure a home loan while on disability in the future.
22 July 2015
When you retire and can begin receiving your pension, you have a choice between a lump sum payment or a lifetime annuity. In the first instance, you get all of your money at one time, and in the second instance, you get a fixed check for the rest of your life. While the dependability of a steady income might sound like a good option, there are instances where taking the lump sum payout might be the better option.
21 May 2015
Payday loans are among the easiest types of loans to acquire; however, many states prohibit people from having more than one payday loan at a time. If you have one right now that you cannot repay and have other bills you need to pay, you may be considering trying to get a second payday loan. Getting a second loan might not be an option in your state, but there could be other avenues for you to explore.